What is the connection between making pickles and writing a blog post?

By Josepha Edman | September 28, 2021 | MARKETING BLOG | 0 comments

I’m not a great expert in making pickles, but sometimes I gather the nerve and get to the task.

I open Google, search for a recipe, and try it out.

The recipe that draws me in with the most interesting image, will be the one I’ll go for.

That is exactly what your clients are looking for when they are drawn to read a post on your website.

Interest, emotion, guts, a solution, and someone that will tell them what they need to do.

You’ll have to find the recipe for making pickles yourselves, but – I’ll gladly teach you the recipe for writing a winning post on your website. Five excellent elements, that can be added to the five elements of the previous post (How to write a blog post), will expose you to Google. It may turn out so well, that someone might ask you for the winning recipe for writing a post on a blog or a website. You are most welcome to share it.

The 1st important element:

A website post must be short, to the point, and stand out. Use “bullet points” (for emphasis), since they serve as landmarks for Google, like milestones.

Write on one subject only, and in a language that your target market will understand. Leave the professional jargon out. The audience is looking for emotion, interest, information, courage, and a call to action. (Not too spicy, not too salty, not too sour, and not too sophisticated).

The 2nd element for a good website post:

We do not interest the audience. The readers search the content that interests them by keywords. Google directs them according to the identified words. That’s why you should play as good actors behind the scenes. Touch the clients’ pain points, and draw them to you, since you offer the best solution.

The 3rd element for writing a top-notch website post:

Images. There is an abundance of free image websites. The image must be surprising, intriguing, and very good quality. In addition to the image, you should add tags that link the image to the post on the website. Insert keywords- they are the dominant spices of the ‘pickles’. Some more super-important information: a good image size is 600/600 pixels.

The 4th element of spicing the website post:

Remember the 1st element: Short, to the point, and stands-out?

A good post contains at least 280-300 words, and not more than 350 words. An overly long post will be tedious and force the audience to leave. We want to retain them on the website. That’s why it’s important to add some seasoning and interest – without overdoing it, to make it interesting and pleasant. Make sure to use one keyword (or one concept). Naturally, synonyms can also be used.

The 5th important element for a leads-generating post on a website:

Use quotes by smart, opinion-leaders, which include keywords related to the post. The use of quotes grants a high rating to the post since you were supported by influencers. Remember of course to highlight the words. Google directs your target market according to the words they use in the search engine.

Now that you know how to write a fascinating post on a website.

I want to give you one more very important tip:

Find a linking thread between the posts you write. The audience that reached you and stayed, is interested in more information.

You touched them, triggered desire, stimulation, and interest. Help them find additional posts you wrote on the blog and the website.

These are the 5 elements for writing a website post. In my previous post, I wrote about the 5 commandments for writing a blog post on a website. You are most welcome to read it and learn how to spice up your posts, to better reach your audience.

And last but not least – I like pickles in brine with a bit of tang, and you?

That’s exactly how you should write your posts. Remain authentic and true to yourself, while making correct use of the recipe I gave you.

And if you are still having trouble, unsure, and want help, feel free to contact me: Josepha (Sefi) Edman,

expert in website design and SEO keyword research, just the way Google likes them.

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